“The Perestroika Passion” in the Memories and Fates of the Department of History Graduates (the Classes of 1992 and 1993) at Kuban State University, Based on Their Interviews | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
“The Perestroika Passion” in the Memories and Fates of the Department of History Graduates (the Classes of 1992 and 1993) at Kuban State University, Based on Their Interviews
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Tazhidinova I.G. (2019) “The Perestroika Passion” in the Memories and Fates of the Department of History Graduates (the Classes of 1992 and 1993) at Kuban State University, Based on Their Interviews. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (1), pp. 123-136. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-1-123-136 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2018-11-05
Accepted Date 2018-12-19
Published Date 2019-03-23

Copyright (c) 2019 Ирина Геннадьевна Тажидинова

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Perestroika as a watershed in the development of Soviet society, as well as the collapse of the Soviet Union and entering the “post-­socialism” period, are the milestones of the recent past that need a scientific reflection. It is especially important to consider the “human dimension” of the transition period, that is, the socio-­cultural and socio-­psychological processes at the turn of the 1980s — 1990s. If we take into account the poor state of the document database for the period of Perestroika, the oral testimony of eyewitnesses is an important source of knowledge about it. The research contains the results of the sociological survey carried out in 2018 and aimed at identifying the younger generation of Soviet people’s attitude towards Perestroika. Besides, the interviewees were asked in what way the changes had affected their values and life prospects, and their way of life. We have analyzed 22 in-­depth interviews of the full-­time Historical Department graduates’ (the classes of 1992 and 1993) at Kuban State University.For many of the graduates, changes brought about by Perestroika were of particular significance, since they amended their professional growth plans (at the very least, their career development as party members collapsed). The results of the research allow us to conclude that the student youth’s perception of social changes had its dynamics but mainly came down to passive observation. At its first stages, Perestroika was perceived with enthusiasm, yet social problems on its way gave rise to skepticism. On the other hand, democratic trends at the Department of History itself have improved the scope of research work. According to the interviewees, the worst aftereffect of Perestroika was the collapse of the USSR. Yet, their personal recollections concerning daily routine in the late 1980s — early 1990s are positive, which is due to young age optimism and diverse student life at the Department.


perestroika, late 1980s-­early 1990s, Department of History at KubSU, students, lectures, the dean, daily routine, vocational self-­determination, public sentiment


This article is a result of the study supported by the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center Foundation within the framework of the project ‘The Social History of Russia (1990s).


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