The Influence of Characteristics of Life Difficulties Situationson the Volitional Regulation of Personality | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
The Influence of Characteristics of Life Difficulties Situationson the Volitional Regulation of Personality
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Belan E.A., Khalilov T.A. (2020) The Influence of Characteristics of Life Difficulties Situationson the Volitional Regulation of Personality. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (2), pp. 139-159. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-2-139-159 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2020-01-17
Accepted Date 2020-06-20
Published Date 2020-11-11

Copyright (c) 2020 Елена Альбертовна Белан, Тимур Александрович Халилов

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The article considers the influence of situational characteristics on the volitional regulation of personality behavior. The co-authors of the study mean the situation as a discrete unit of a person’s social activity, limited in time and space, possessing a stable unity of socially defined generalized, individual, objective and subjective characteristics that determine the specificity of individual behavior. Theoretical and methodological insight into the scientific problem determined the purpose of the study: to identify the mechanisms of situational determination of the volitional regulation of personality behavior in situations of life difficulties on the basis of studying the full characteristics of the situation. This class of situations was chosen owing to their special status — the excess of situational requirements with respect to the usual level of the adaptive potential of the personality. The study involved 344 people, including 198 women and 146 men aged 20–38 years, the residents of Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Region. An empirical study was conducted a survey method. Situational indicators have been studied using the author’s technique “Assessment of Situational Activity of Adult Personality (ASA)” (E.A.Belan). The volitional characteristics of personality were studied using a questionnaire for diagnosing the volitional qualities of the personality (VQP) of M.V.Chumakov. The study allows us to formulate the following conclusions. Firstly, in the process of individual perception, life difficulties acquire specific, contradictory individual-­evaluative characteristics that exceed the usual adaptive potential and determine the specifics of individual behavior in such situations. Secondly, the characteristics of difficult life situations affect the volitional regulation of the individual. Thus, the situational is fixed in the individual life experience of the individual and acts as a stable regulator of social life activity. Thirdly, because individual volitional qualities are dependent on several situational characteristics at the same time, insufficient or excessive individual assessment of these situational characteristics by a person can lead in some cases to misalignment of volitional regulation. Fourthly, in any difficult life situation, a complex of situational characteristics can be formed that are estimated in the individual consciousness of the individual, the expression of which, both individually and in their totality, will both increase and decrease the level of volitional regulation. This should be taken into account in the socio-­psychological support of optimizing the behavior of a person experiencing life difficulties.


personality, situation, personal-­situational interaction, social behavior, volitional regulation of behavior, situational determinants of social behavior, genesis of personality situational activity, adaptive potential, coping, hyper-­coping


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