Characteristics of Teenagers ' Propensity to Destructive Types of Activity | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Characteristics of Teenagers ' Propensity to Destructive Types of Activity
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Kharitonova Е.V., Suslina E.V. (2020) Characteristics of Teenagers ' Propensity to Destructive Types of Activity. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (3), pp. 97-111. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-3-97-111 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2020-08-17
Accepted Date 2020-09-12
Published Date 2021-03-31

Copyright (c) 2020 Евгения Владимировна Харитонова, Елена Валериевна Суслина

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The article presents the results of empirical research into the personality characteristics of adolescents' propensity for destructive activities. It has been demonstrated that the rapid technological complexity of the world does not coincide with the pace of the development of spirituality and morality of mankind. This entails a break in roots and traditions, a crisis and the destruction of a culture that extols and imposes unbridled consumption. Young people are more likely to express their protest against the psychology of the Western society consumerism and often choose destructive activities. The hypothesis of the study was that the sample of adolescents was heterogeneous both by type of personal preference for destructive activities and by personal and gender characteristics. The study methods used were: The Inclination Questionnaire (A.N.Orel), the Personal Dependency Self-assessment Test (V.Levy); the questionnaire «Diagnostics of Additive-­Deviant Personality Types» (J.M.Oldham, Louis B.Morris); the S.Bam method modified by O.G.Lopukhova on the determination of the psychological gender of the individual, and a questionnaire developed by the Krasnodar branch of RAS Institute of Sociology on the attitude of young people to politics. In the cluster analysis, five clusters were sampled, of which two were mixed by sex, two were male and one was female. In general, clusters differ in the degree of expression of both the variation parameters and the personality characteristics. Of the five personality types of behavior of teenagers with varying propensity for destructive activity, only one (cluster 3) exhibits normative activity. The other four clusters exhibit different types of destructive activity: cluster 1 (mixed by sex) — addictive behavior, dependency on parents and communication; cluster 2 (male) — aggression, dependence on parents; cluster 4 (male) — super activity (with concurrent inclination towards isolation and susceptibility to sadistic disorder), aggression, conflict-­prone response; cluster 5 (female) — vigilance, sensuality, loyalty, dependence on praise and success. The features identified allow for the expansion of the understanding of the causes and characteristics of personality manifestations of destructive activities. The article shows that the features identified allow to timely identify the risk groups among youth who are prone to destructive activities and to organize adequate psychological and pedagogical support for them.


teenagers, destructive activity, propensity to deviant behavior, personal addiction, antagonistic and deviant personalities, the psychological gender of the individual, attitudes of the youth towards politics


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