European "Ethical Artificial Intelligence": From an Instrument of Economics to a Political Problem | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
European "Ethical Artificial Intelligence": From an Instrument of Economics to a Political Problem
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Fedorov A.V. (2021) European "Ethical Artificial Intelligence": From an Instrument of Economics to a Political Problem. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 22 (2), pp. 87-103. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-22-2-87-103 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2021-05-15
Accepted Date 2021-06-20
Published Date 2021-12-09

Copyright (c) 2021 Александр Валентинович Федоров

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The question, what is intelligence, does not yet have an answer. Even more incomprehensible for the majority has become “intellect artificial” (AI). However, discussions about its relevance to the development of society are considered complete, and more than 30 countries and state associations have already defined their AI strategies in one form or another. The most interesting and advanced strategy until recently was the European Commission (EC) concept. It is based on the idea put forward by Ursula fon der Liaien / Ursula von der Leyen that Europe should achieve world leadership at the expense of “more ethical” AI systems than those produced by other manufacturers. However, attempts by the EC to address morality through market or policy-­making methods have led to the risk of serious social unrest. However, attempts by the EC to address morality through market- or policy-­making methods have led to the risk of serious social unrest. After a series of victorious reports, it turned out that «ethical AI» was first incorporated by its European developers into the monitoring and discriminatory selection systems controlling the individual and that its application violates human rights, limits the democratic freedom of the individual and runs counter to the principles of liberal democracy. The EC’s attempt to resolve this moral contradiction by preparing new directives and setting legal restraints makes the situation increasingly confusing. Moreover, leaving outside the discussion the military application of AI, apologists for the «ethics» of the European project only provoke skeptics against it. The outcome of the EC’s work will be reviewed at a later stage, but European approaches to the problem, decisions taken and obstacles encountered can be assessed now.


Еврокомиссия, Европа, искусственный интеллект, системы искусственного интеллекта


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