Disinformation as a Tool and Part of the Information Confrontation of the West | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Disinformation as a Tool and Part of the Information Confrontation of the West
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Fedorov A.V. (2022) Disinformation as a Tool and Part of the Information Confrontation of the West. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 23 (2), pp. 18-36. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-23-2-18-36 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2022-07-25
Accepted Date 2022-08-27
Published Date 2022-08-30

Copyright (c) 2022 Александр Валентинович Федоров

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


With the globalization of communication and the broad accessibility of social networks, disinformation, employed by the West in the framework of its informational confrontation with the undesirable countries became a significant threat to national and international stability with its aim to disrupt social security, affect the processes of both social and political governance, and stimulate protest movements and civil disorder. Despite the rapidly growing number of publications on disinformation as a phenomenon and practice, there is surprisingly little literature on its essence, place in the information struggle and the socio-­political consequences of its impact. In addressing this issue, the author made an attempt to show that disinformation, as a separate construct when used as an instrument of destructive international relations, catalyzes information rivalry and, by encouraging political cynicism, amplifies its impact, and, by forming the necessary exformation, enhances the effectiveness of informational and psychological actions and operations. In view of the political peculiarities of the moment, disinformation should primarily be attributed to the policy of the “collective West”with its usual arguments rationale based on the well-known “highly likely”. Russian international propaganda is structured differently and was clearly summarized by Sergey Lavrov at the press conference following negotiations with the Foreign Minister of Vietnam in Hanoi on July 6, 2022: “We always say what we think, and we are ready be accountable for our words and to explain our stand. The normative legal instruments to counter the spread of disinformation were introduced into national and international law at the beginning of this century. The 2009 SCO Intergovernmental Agreement named disinformation a threat to international security. The West, which sees in the expansion of disinformation practices the signs of “dysfunctional democracy”, also began to counter it by adopting the European Code of Practices on Disinformation and supporting the relevant resolution of the 76th session of the UNGA. However, these steps have become mere declarations: the flow of disinformation is increasing, and the measures taken are inoperative.


disinformation, public consciousness, information space, information confrontation, information warfare, information weapons, media, social networks, information resources, propaganda, fake news


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