Mechanisms of Control over the Media “According to Asiastcom”: Comparative Analysis on the Example of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Mechanisms of Control over the Media “According to Asiastcom”: Comparative Analysis on the Example of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
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Salimov D.M. (2022) Mechanisms of Control over the Media “According to Asiastcom”: Comparative Analysis on the Example of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 23 (4), pp. 136-153. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-23-4-136-153 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2022-11-10
Accepted Date 2022-12-20
Published Date 2023-03-31

Copyright (c) 2023 Диловар Мирзомуддинович Салимов

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The article discusses the mechanisms and institutions for the implementation of the political regime of censorship and control over the media in the information field of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It is noted that the political regime of censorship and control over the media formed by them significantly reduces the flow of information attacks in them and thereby creates a media space in which all the rules are dictated by the authorities. The functioning of the media within the framework of this strategy is the key to the stability of both the foreign and domestic policies of nation states. This aspect is considered in a comparative manner, taking into account the analysis of media publications and regulations relating to the political life of both states. The mechanisms for the implementation of the political regime of censorship and control over various types of media are determined, depending on their position in relation to the current regimes. Both legal and extra-­legal mechanisms of the political regime of censorship and control over the media are identified. One of the key findings is that the political dynamics of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are largely determined by the organization of mass media flows, which are considered a key tool in the context of legitimizing the actions of local authorities. The methods they propose for solving existing problems demonstrate a different combination of democratic principles and mechanisms of imperative coordination, pushing these states towards the style of intentional and unintentional authoritarianism. The political regime of censorship and control over the media developed by them is the key to information security in the conditions of political and ideological confrontation, both between the authorities and the opposition in these states, and geopolitical players in the region. The conceptual basis of the study is also the scientific idea that in nation states the validity of the policy of regimes becomes an important factor, whose stability is suggested by the presence of mechanisms for the information impact of power on society and models of political positioning of the media, which is the political regime of censorship and control.


political regime, political censorship, mass media, government, state, legitimate order, personifications of the political regime, authoritarian regime, information security


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