Interpretations of the Essence of Political Regime in Legal Research Practices in Modern Russia | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Interpretations of the Essence of Political Regime in Legal Research Practices in Modern Russia
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Slobozhnikova V.S. (2024) Interpretations of the Essence of Political Regime in Legal Research Practices in Modern Russia. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25 (1), pp. 38-47. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-1-38-47 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2023-05-30
Accepted Date 2023-12-15
Published Date 2024-03-29

Copyright (c) 2024 Валентина Сергеевна Слобожникова

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The concept of “political regime” is currently highly politicized and is actively employed in the context of the formation of a new world order and the search for grounds for consolidation and confrontation in world politics. The article aims to identify the main interpretations of the category “political regime” content in modern Russia. The author undertook a study of interpretations in jurisprudence for a number of reasons. The field of political science and sociology can be traced back to the study of political regimes conducted by lawyers prior to the advent of these disciplines. In the present era, representatives of this science are actively analyzing both the concept itself and the evolution of its interpretations. The author’s analysis of the interpretations of the essence of the political regime in modern Russia leads to the conclusion that there are two main directions in the research practices of legal scholars. The first is a state-­centric approach, and the second is a political-­centric approach. The paper considers these directions in the context of the development of socio-­humanitarian knowledge. It also considers the expansion of heuristic potential with the development of new methodological approaches by jurisprudence. The author has identified a variety of interpretations in each of the directions. In the state-­centric approach, the political regime is understood as a form of government or a form of state, as a means of exercising state power, and as one of the elements of the form of government/state. The development of the methodology of jurisprudence has led to the emergence of new categories of political regime. These categories include state regime, state-­legal, and political-­legal. Within the framework of the politico-­centric approach, the political regime is regarded from two points of view: 1) a set of methods (techniques and methods) and forms of exercising state power, activities of elements of the political system; 2) the mechanism of realizing political power. The weakness of interdisciplinary links and the absence of a clear hierarchy of categorical apparatus in the socio-­humanitarian knowledge of modern Russia are noted.


political regime, state, state regime, political and legal regime, socio-­humanities, legal science, modern Russia


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