State and Society: New Facets of Historical Conflict | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
State and Society: New Facets of Historical Conflict
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Solovjov A.I. (2018) State and Society: New Facets of Historical Conflict. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 19 (4), pp. 6-24. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-19-4-6-24 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2018-10-09
Accepted Date 2018-11-06
Published Date 2018-12-23

Copyright (c) 2018 Александр Иванович Соловьев

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The author analyzes present-day characteristics of cooperation of national state and civil society institutions, now that public politics went into social networks. This type of communication, caused by the new role of politico-administrative coalitions of the ruling elite, requires the revision of traditional approaches in many respects. In this connection, the author draws the readers’ attention to new forms of dialogue between the people and the governance caused by informal communication among the elite in the ruling minority; these informal communications affect the nature of decision-making on the state level. While analyzing these processes on the basis of institutional and networking methods, the author characterizes the basic mechanisms and the channels of goal-setting, the respective ways and proceedings of business communication of interactive individuals. On the basis of his research, the author singles out structural characteristics of cooperation between the state and the society indecision-making on the state level. It follows that there exist three relatively independent levels: diversified network coalitions that can, under certain circumstances, influence centres of decision-making; hierarchic formalized state governance structures exposed to permanent pressure on the part of networking, and administrative structures where the configuration of decision-making process takes place as it is.It means that under existing conditions the predominant influence upon state structures is exercised by actors who operate through networking mechanisms of the ruling class organizations (clicks, clientele, etc.) which fact undermines the possibility to realize common interests. Changing the state of things obstructed both by the passive stand of the majority of citizens concerning well-established) governance practices and the actions of the ruling minority who use their advantages to realize their own interests with the help of hybrid interests (disruption of political influence of the messengers of civil interests) The possibilities to overcome this obstruction in future depend on the transformation of the public form of state power organization and on the improvement of its application proceedings.


state, civil society, politico-administrative networks, networking, conflict, state decision-making


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