State institutions remain key actors in identity politics at both federal and regional levels. Nevertheless, both formal and informal institutions of civil society are becoming increasingly significant in the process of territorial identity formation. The concept of community boundaries can be regarded as a matter of civic responsibility for the inhabitants of a specific territory. The practices of environmental change, awareness of the importance of one’s own contribution to the development of the place of residence, and participation of residents in solving problems significant for the community are all related to the strengthening of regional or local identity. The objective of this study is to identify and analyze civic initiatives in the Moscow and St. Petersburg agglomerations that are related to the formation or strengthening of regional and local identity among residents. A series of case studies was conducted to examine instances where the urban community demonstrated a high capacity to influence regional identity from a grassroots level. In the future, such initiatives can play an important role not only in preserving the symbolic foundations of regional and local identity, but also in creating new, unique meanings. The establishment of civil society institutions is frequently driven by the intention to address a specific urban issue. Examples of such triggers in the field of regional identity politics can be found in the preservation of historical and architectural heritage, the resolution of problems associated with urban improvement, and the resolution of cultural and environmental issues. The issue of developing new models of public communication between the state and civil actors engaged in identity politics in agglomerations, as well as creating non-conflict mechanisms for resolving disputes between state institutions and social movements, remains pertinent.
The study was conducted at St. Petersburg State University with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation under the research project N 23–28–00933, entitled “Identity Politics in Russian Agglomerations in the Context of International Experience”.
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