The relevance of the study is determined by the place and functions that the political-administrative elite fulfill in ensuring the sustainability and security of society. The radical turn outlined in public discourse, which defines the criteria for integrating new members into the political-administrative elite, requires scientific reflection and understanding of the reasons and factors that determine it. The article presents the findings of a study on the pivotal factors that shaped the evolution of the political and administrative elite in Russia at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The transformation of the Russian political-administrative elite was found to have been influenced by a number of factors: the historical factor, which characterizes the traditions of recruiting political-administrative elites in the Russian political system; the socio-political factor, which reflects the trends of transformation of the system of public administration at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; the political factor proper, which characterizes the state and the characteristics of the political and party systems of Russia; the socio-economic factor reflecting the orientation of business towards integration into the political and administrative elite; and the socio-cultural factor reflecting the value dynamics of the Russian society. It has been demonstrated that the dynamics of change within Russia’s political-administrative elite are a response to a number of global challenges, including the digitalization of society and public policy, the global economic crisis and the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, these changes have been influenced by foreign and domestic policy challenges.
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