Group Reliability of the Nuclear Power Plant Operational Shift: Conceptual Understanding | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Group Reliability of the Nuclear Power Plant Operational Shift: Conceptual Understanding

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Tolstikov V.V., Gaidar K.M., Borokhovski E.F. (2020) Group Reliability of the Nuclear Power Plant Operational Shift: Conceptual Understanding. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (1), pp. 121-134. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-1-121-134
Submission Date 2019-10-16
Accepted Date 2019-11-28
Published Date 2020-03-30

Copyright (c) 2020 Виталий Владимирович Толстиков, Карина Марленовна Гайдар, Евгений Фёдорович Бороховский

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Technological innovations of the 21st century determine the importance of nuclear energy as a viable resource for social progress, but the problem of the Nuclear Power Plants safe functioning is exacerbating. No technological system is capable of foreseeing and rectifying all negative developments in the Nuclear Power Plants functioning. The industry employs people whose job responsibility is, in case of emergency, to prevent deterioration of the situation and/or eliminate its negative consequences. Psychological science contributes to safety of nuclear energy by studying and supporting characteristics that allow Nuclear Power Plants employees to effectively implement these tasks. Reliability is obviously among these characteristics, but it is typically considered as an individual psychological phenomenon, whereas Nuclear Power Plant employees work in operational shifts that in turn could be more or less reliable. There are pressing needs to expand knowledge about how group reliability manifests itself and what psychological conditions strengthen it. The paper offers a theoretical overview of the problem within the framework of the system- and subject-­based methodological approaches. Its outcomes are of marked scientific novelty: for the first time, the socio-­psychological essence of the phenomenon is explained and its structure is identified. Specifically, group reliability contains four components: motivational, cognitive, behavioural-­volitional, and socio-­psychological. The study also describes the related functions and indicators of structural components and subcomponents of group reliability. The research materials can be used to develop measures for studying and means for improving group reliability of the Nuclear Power Plant personnel.


reliability, group reliability, group subject, operational shift, nuclear power plant


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