The article is devoted to the understudied problem of identifying subjective manifestations of arbitrary self-regulation in high-class athletes engaged in Capoeira. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the characteristics of sports activity, which becomes a form of creativity and self-realization, requiring the development of personality and subjectivity. The necessity to study the relationship between conscious self-regulation and harmony and emotional intelligence as important factors of self-regulation has been substantiated. Similar studies have not previously been conducted on Capoeira masters. 100 athletes of both sexes (M = 29.8; SD = 6.31) participated in the empirical study. Methods used: “Style of self-regulation of behavior — SSP 98” (V. I. Morosanov); “Emotional intelligence” (N. Hall); “Integral harmony of personality IGL‑3” (O. I. Motkov). Qualitative differences in the indicators of emotional intelligence and harmony in Capoeira athletes and respondents engaged in contact martial arts have been revealed through the prism of self-regulation. It has been substantiated and proven that the integral index of emotional intelligence of Capoeira athletes is at the average level (M = 42.3; SD = 22.3). However, Capoeira athletes are superior to martial athletes in the awareness and understanding of their emotions (t = 6.56; p ≤ 0.05), and in recognizing the emotions of others (t = 3.09; p ≤ 0.05). Hence, Capoeira athletes have more developed abilities to understand their own and others’ emotions, and they are more harmonious than athletes engaged in contact martial arts. A regulatory profile of Capoeira athletes — harmonious or smooth — has been identified. A harmonious personality profile is a prerequisite for a person’s success in various activities, including sports. It is well established that emotional intelligence and harmony are valuable subjective resources of self-regulation. Emphasis is placed on the importance of developing emotional intelligence and harmony so as to achieve the exteriorization of the subjective potential of the individual and the coherence between personal values and the external environment of sport, in which the subject is self-fulfilling.
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