Fluctuations of Personality Subjectivity in the Context of Helplessness and Overcoming | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Fluctuations of Personality Subjectivity in the Context of Helplessness and Overcoming
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Shipovskaya V.V., Guseinov A.S. (2022) Fluctuations of Personality Subjectivity in the Context of Helplessness and Overcoming. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 23 (1), pp. 114-132. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-23-1-114-132 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2022-02-15
Accepted Date 2022-03-12
Published Date 2022-07-30

Copyright (c) 2022 Виктория Владимировна Шиповская, Александр Шамильевич Гусейнов

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


One of the pivotal issues of modern psychology is why a person’s level of existence decreases or increases over the course of their life, and in what way these fluctuations affect the personality. Traditionally, this topic is addressed through the theme of the heterogeneity of the life course, related to different tendencies of individual behavior and different modes of its functioning. S. L. Rubinstein enunciated it as the problem of the formation and change of the subject in the system of their interactions with the world. Awareness of a person’s being as a creative product of a concrete person and the embodiment of their mental projects leads to the concept of subjectivity fluctuations. This topic manifests itself in a new and deeper quality within the framework of the subject-­being approach, which identifies the sources of personal change and highlights a number of criteria differences between true and conditional existence, and true and false subjectivity. Despite the closeness of researchers’ positions with regard to descriptive characteristics of forms of subjectivity, the underlying mechanisms of subjectivity “fluctuations” and the ontological content of inter-­transitions from one modus of beingness to another have not yet been studied. The paper examines different ways of organizing subjective activity as a valuable contribution to the phenomenon of fluctuations. The questions addressed in this paper are related to the problem of constructing a particular form of subjectivity and to the possibility of changing the mode of existence under conditions of contradictory daily life, as well as to the consequences that create qualitative shifts of subjectivity. The paper analyzes a number of empirical studies where the causes and psychological mechanisms that cause such fluctuations (namely, the types of reflection and the specificity of the time continuum) are identified. It is demonstrated that fluctuations of subjectivity, causing mutual transitions of modes of being, are not always positive; they are associated with the subject positioning and the resolution of value and meaning contradictions. A change in the level of existence may be brought about by subjective activity through the mechanism of “false”/”true” subjectivity. It is significant to study the fluctuations of the subjectivity of the individual under the conditions of everyday life in terms of the pole of subjective activity.


subjectivity fluctuations, irregularity of personal being, helplessness, overcoming/coping activity, reflection, self-determination, subject position, transformation of the value and meaning sphere of the individual


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