Content of Personal Identity at Different Stages of the Life Course | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Content of Personal Identity at Different Stages of the Life Course
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Makarevskaya Yu.E. (2024) Content of Personal Identity at Different Stages of the Life Course. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25 (2), pp. 77-91. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-2-77-91 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2024-03-25
Accepted Date 2024-05-15
Published Date 2024-06-28

Copyright (c) 2024 Юлия Эдуардовна Макаревская

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In a society undergoing a period of transition, with heightened risks of identity crisis, there are few, if any, systematic studies that can reveal regularities in the formation of personal identity among actors of different age groups. Previous research on identity has predominantly focused on adolescent and young adult samples. However, identity crises are now also evident in adults and older adults. Information about the specifics of identity and its development in adulthood is fragmentary, scattered, and based on diverse methodological foundations. The objective of this study was to identify specific aspects of personal identity content in respondents of different age groups. The study used the method of personal identity diagnostics (Makarevskaya, Ryabikina, 2023), which allows to diagnose the level of manifestation (actualization) of its content elements and factors along with the general index of identity. The study sample consisted of 500 individuals, aged 13 to 90 years, divided into six age groups (adolescence to old age). The average age of the respondents was 32.91. The interrelation of personal identity with the age of respondents outlined in the paper reveals regularities in the manifestation of content components of personal identity from adolescence to old age. The evidence indicates that the structural components of personal identity remain consistent across all age groups. However, the content of identity is dynamic, with elements expressed in different ways at different stages of life. The findings of the study indicate that the respondents’ age group is a significant factor that shapes the characteristics of their personal identity. It demonstrated that the structure of respondents’ personal identity remains stable across all age groups.


age, personality, personal identity, structure of personal identity, content of personal identity


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