The Policy of Youth Civic Identity Formation in the New Subjects of the Russian Federation: Models and Technologies | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
The Policy of Youth Civic Identity Formation in the New Subjects of the Russian Federation: Models and Technologies
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Samarkina I.V., Bashmakov I.S. (2023) The Policy of Youth Civic Identity Formation in the New Subjects of the Russian Federation: Models and Technologies. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 24 (4), pp. 87-102. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-24-4-87-102 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2023-10-15
Accepted Date 2023-11-18
Published Date 2023-12-29

Copyright (c) 2024 Ирина Владимировна Самаркина, Игорь Станиславович Башмаков

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The paper presents an analysis of models and technologies that form the civic identity of young people in the new subjects of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Crimea, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics). The empirical object of the study was middle and high school students representing these regions. The methodology of the empirical study of schoolchildren’s civic identity formation is based on a combination of focus group research and expert survey. In the course of our research, we analyzed the opinions of experts representing various sectors of the education and youth policy system, state institutions, public organizations, and movements in the new constituent entities of Russia. These opinions pertained to the activities of youth policy institutions, the education system, the cultural system, and civil society actors (public organizations and movements, mass media, and political parties). Our objective was to ascertain the role of these institutions and actors in the formation of civic identity. Consequently, have we identified a complex of technologies for the policy of civic identity formation of school-age youth in the new subjects of the Russian Federation. These include the subjects of identity formation, the methods and forms of translation, the degree of novelty, the functions, and the content component of the civic identity that is formed. Furthermore, we have identified the specific empirical forms (convergent and divergent) and the practices of implementing this model in the new subjects of the Russian Federation. It is shown that the fundamental differentiating factor of the aforementioned empirical models of forming schoolchildren’s civic identity in the new subjects is the sociocultural factor, which is conditioned by the influence of the system of political socialization. It is evident that the current state and formats of implementing the policy of forming schoolchildren’s civic identity in the new territories are inadequate in their consideration of the existing differentiation of actual identities.


civic identity, youth, new regions, new political space, identity politics, models and technologies of identity politics


The research was carried out within the framework of the project “Formation of civil identity of schoolchildren in new subjects of the Russian Federation: strategies, barriers and prospects” (2023, contest organized by Expert Institute of Social Research in the Field of Socio-Political Sciences, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences) within the framework of the state task FZEN-2023-0008.


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