The Project Approach in Russian State Youth Policy: Institutional Practices and Development Potential | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
The Project Approach in Russian State Youth Policy: Institutional Practices and Development Potential
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Miroshnichenko I.V., Shpiro L.A., Fedorenko K.A. (2022) The Project Approach in Russian State Youth Policy: Institutional Practices and Development Potential. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 23 (1), pp. 26-47. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-23-1-26-47 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2022-02-12
Accepted Date 2022-03-10
Published Date 2022-07-30

Copyright (c) 2022 Инна Валерьевна Мирошниченко, Лаура Артуровна Шпиро, Константин Альбертович Федоренко

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The article comprehends the social discrepancy between the agencies of state youth policy project methods of work and the results achieved by them. The authors provide the results of their research of institutional practices in implementing of the federal and regional programs in the Russian Federation in the period 2018–2022. The authors developed a criteria matrix as an analytical tool for the empirical study to to determine the relevance of the institutional practices of project activities to the priority objectives of state youth policy of the Russian Federation. The matrix is based on the “five transitions” of youth and a threefold set of institutional steps aimed at helping youth to discover their potential and to actualize their citizenship through empowerment, capacity building, and a “second chance”. On the results of the empirical study, the authors registered a deficit of project initiatives in the content field “Creating a family” of the life transition of young people, as well as a shortage of institutional practices to form the ability of young people to make the right decisions at all life transitions. The formation of abilities in young people implies not only the development of competencies, but also the creation an adequate information context and targeted content by the actors of public administration to indicate the key alternatives for the possible solutions and the resources for their implementation and decision making. The authors conclude that the introduction of the project approach in the practice of state youth policy on a systemic level contributes to a qualitative change in the system of goal-setting, with a focus on achieving specific results in key areas, the extension of inter-­sectoral interaction mechanisms, and to integration of resources of various actors of public administration in the implementation of the project goals. The use of the institutional matrix of the five transitions and the complex measures in the design of the content of federal and regional projects design would allow to reshape the roles and status positions of young people in the Russian model of youth policy from the object of influence to its subjective position.


project approach in State youth policy, national projects of the Russian Federation, "five transitions" of youth, policy of empowerment, development of abilities and providing a "second chance" to young people


The study was carried out with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the state task FZEN-2020-0022.


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