The paper contains the findings of an empirical study of the subjective well-being of student youth with varying levels of individual social capital. It is shown that during transformations in all areas of public life an individual strives to maintain his / her psycho-social stability and the comfort of their immediate environment. The psychological resources of social capital provide the efficiency of social interaction, cohesion, and intrapersonal trust. The hypothesis research was that groups of testees with different levels of social capital would differ on their subjective well-being parameters. The methods of the research were as follows: “The Questionnaire of Individual Social Capital Measurement” by R. Styles in the adaptation of I. I. Semkiv; “The Questionnaire of Subjective Social Well-Being” (T. V. Danil’chenko) and mathematical statistics. According to the results of the correlation analysis, statistically significant relationships between individual social capital resources and the parameters of subjective social well-being were obtained. The paper shows the dependence of the socio-professional resource of an individual and the potential to use the resources of social institutions with the characteristics of subjective well-being that reflect predisposition towards leadership, the importance and efficiency of activity in society, and the involvement in the realization of a common cause. The interrelation between the emotional acceptance and the active use of the resource of social capital connected with personal contacts and the support of the closest environment, friends and acquaintances was established. Students actively engage leisure-time resources to ensure emotional well-being, which accentuates the important role of informal friendships for college-age students. Besides, positive emotional contact with other people influences the students’ portrayal of others as being credible, friendly and sincere.
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