Practices of Social and Political Participation of Youth in a Modern City (on the Materials of the Krasnodar Region) | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Practices of Social and Political Participation of Youth in a Modern City (on the Materials of the Krasnodar Region)
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Samarkina I.V., Shpiro L.A., Yachmennik K.V. (2020) Practices of Social and Political Participation of Youth in a Modern City (on the Materials of the Krasnodar Region). South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (3), pp. 47-63. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-3-47-63 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2020-08-22
Accepted Date 2020-09-12
Published Date 2021-03-31

Copyright (c) 2020 Ирина Владимировна Самаркина, Лаура Артуровна Шпиро; Кристина Владимировна Ячменник

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Large-scale qualitative changes in youth’s socialization processes bring about internal differentiation in terms of norms and values among the younger generation. It paves the way for the dynamic change within the set of young people’s practices of social and political participation, in the context of digital socialization and network society. The article contains the results of the theoretical analysis of and the empirical research into practices of social and political participation of urban youth. It is shown that a comprehensive study of this phenomenon in a network society requires the development of conceptual and operational models, as well as analytical and methodological tools that integrate the capabilities of socio-­cultural, activity-­based and identity approaches in the study of non-institutional aspects of political reality. A comprehensive research methodology is described, which integrates classical methods of data collection (focus group method) and special socio-­psychological methods adapted to the research objectives. On the basis of the materials of an empirical study carried out by the method of focus group discussions in four cities of the Krasnodar Territory (Armavir, Sochi, Novorossiysk and Krasnodar), the authors classified the types of constructive socio-­political practices of young people by the latter’s location in the public online and offline space of the city. Youth’s information consumption, creation and transformation practices and mixed practices have been identified and described by subjectivity criterion. In terms of the content of constructive social and political activity in the urban public space, the diversity of constructive public practices in the offline public urban space has been systematized; educational, “helping” (volunteer), event memorable and symbolic urban practices, environmental actions and projects, as well as practices of public participation in the local governments and city development projects, have been described described.


urban youth, social and political practices, online and offline public urban space, digital participation


The research was carried out through the financial support of the RFBR and the Administration of Krasnodar Region grant No. 19-411-235002 “Local Identity as a Resource of Engaging Young People of a Large City into Constructive social and Political Practices (based on materials from Krasnodar Territory)”.


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