The paper analyzes China’s present-day image formation in Russia. Its topicality is conditioned by the intensive development of the relationships between the two states. Research papers usually concentrate upon economic, cultural and foreign policy aspects in their interaction. But they have never been studied at the image formation angle. The methodology of the research is based on the statement that image making is a directional process of changing and adjusting public opinion of a target group. The aim of the research is the clarification of historical prerequisites of the modern image of China formation, as well as defining basic trends and factors of image formation. The economic development of the PRC and the promotion of the Chinese language and culture are especially notable among the latter trends and factors. Besides, the role of mass media information is touched upon. The results of the research have enabled the author to draw a conclusion about the positive developments in China’s image formation in Russia that is stipulated by favoring the model and its dynamism. The main channels in creating a favorable public opinion are Chinese Russian-speaking mass media and Russian mass media whose audiences are faced mainly with positive information concerning the inner developments in China and in Russian-Chinese relationships. At the same time, the research has revealed the Russians’ superfluous knowledge of the Chinese culture. Their sporadic images make it possible to further develop the image making component in the Russian-Chinese interaction. The results of the research might turn out useful both for a more profound study of the problem under discussion and for solving some applied problems that emerge in Russian-Chinese relationships at the present-day stage of their development.
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