Alternative approach to cover armed conflicts in Mass Media developed in frames of “Peace journalism” by Johan Galtung and his followers, is discussed in this paper. The concept itself is based on Peace Studies, and justified by the precondition that traditional Media framing of armed conflicts based on sensations, search for exclusive materials, and demonstration of battlefield with visualization of violence, used to be provocative and might contribute to further escalation of a conflict through cultivation of enmity in the societies involved. This is the main reason why the common approach to Media coverage of armed conflicts in frames of “action” is proposed to be replaced by “Peace journalism”, which also needs to be clarified as a concept, within its specific as well as common techniques. The concept of “Peace journalism” itself still needs additional argumentation, and often meets various limits of technical as well as conceptual nature. In the paper an attempt to clarify the content of “Peace journalism” as well as to illustrate the pros and contras of the concept, is presented.
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