Ego-Identity and Value Orientation of Men And Women in Unregistered Relationships and Who Are Married | South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences
Ego-Identity and Value Orientation of Men And Women in Unregistered Relationships and Who Are Married
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Ryabikina Z.I., Khozyainova T.K., Bosenko M.V., Averina E.N. (2020) Ego-Identity and Value Orientation of Men And Women in Unregistered Relationships and Who Are Married. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (3), pp. 78-96. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-3-78-96 (In Russian)
Submission Date 2020-08-19
Accepted Date 2020-09-12
Published Date 2021-03-31

Copyright (c) 2020 Зинаида Ивановна Рябикина, Татьяна Константиновна Хозяинова, Марина Вилоровна Босенко, Елена Николаевна Аверина

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Unmarried marital relations between men and women are becoming increasingly common in modern society, which explains the attention of researchers in the field of family problems to this topic. The article examines the personality of men and women in unregistered relationships and in marriage. The study showed a connection between the decision to establish a family and the choice of the status of the relationship (formalized in the civil registry or unregistered relationship) with the status of the ego-identity of the man and the woman and their value orientation. To diagnose the structure of ego-identity, the E.L.Soldatova’s “Status Test and Ego-­Identity Structure (SEI-Test) methodology was applied”; to study the value system, S.Schwarz’s questionnaire was used. Sixty-four persons participated in the study: 16 couples in unregistered relationships and 16 married couples. The age of the respondents was 25–35 years. The study showed that in the situation of unregistered relationships, both men and women have a reduced level of personal certainty. At the same time, marriage matures a man more than it does a woman. This is reflected in men’s higher autonomous status and, the lower diffuse status index significantly different from that of women. Value comparisons showed that men (regardless of the status in their relationships with a woman) share a relatively high value for personal success, as well as the desire to maintain autonomy and control over the situation in relationships. The difference between men was only in their assessment of hedonism. Men in unregistered relationships value the desire to enjoy life. And it’s more likely to be the regulator of their behavior. A comparison of the values of women showed that for married women, the well-being of the family and people close to them is a priority value.


ego-identity status, value orientation, personal maturity, registered marriage, unregistered relationship(s)


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