The article deals with a study of the systematization of discursive practices of manifestation of regional and subregional identity in modern Russia. Historical, economic, political, cultural analysis of such an identity, including, among other things, elements of discourse analysis of the local press, as well as fragments of qualitative research (spontaneous interviews, interpersonal communication, etc.), allow to build a model illustrating its current state. By dint of the systematization of discursive practices and mechanisms for managing regional identity in the Russian Federation in the context of the virtualization of the socio-political space, the process of intensification of which is undoubtedly accelerating, it seems possible to build a working model. This model illustrates the current state of such identity, which, in turn, gives the right to talk about the practical significance of the study related to the mechanisms for improving the quality of urban and regional communication, especially in terms of building an efficiently functioning civil society and its interaction with authorities. The empirical base for the research is the cases of such cities as Volzhsk in the Republic of Mari El (tending to Zelenodolsk and, more broadly, to the Kazan agglomeration in the Republic of Tatarstan); Kamen-na-Obi in the Altai Territory (located at almost the same distance from «its» capital Barnaul, and Novosibirsk, the largest city in Siberia); Kataysk in the Kurgan region (closely related to Kamensk-Uralsky in the Sverdlovsk region); Minusinsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (practically merged with Abakan, the capital of the Republic of Khakassia), Soltsy (in the Novgorod Region, but historically and culturally closely related to the Pskov Region) and Strezhevoy in the Tomsk Region (close to Nizhnevartovsk from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous region).
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