Problems and Political and Administrative Resources for the Development of the Krasnodar Urban Aglomeration: Results of Research
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Public Administration and Governance


How to Cite

Kolba, A.I., Tereshina, M.V. (2022). Problems and Political and Administrative Resources for the Development of the Krasnodar Urban Aglomeration: Results of Research. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 22(3), 19-31. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-22-3-19-31
Submission Date July 29, 2021
Accepted Date September 5, 2021
Published Date March 28, 2022
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Алексей Иванович Кольба, Мария Валентиновна Терешина


The article examines the problems of the development of the Krasnodar urban agglomeration at the present stage and the possibility of using political and administrative resources for their solution. The authors highlighted the main mechanisms of the formation of the agglomeration, substantiated the need to create a system of metropolitan administration to coordinate their functioning. On the basis of an expert survey with the participation of 16 experts representing the scientific community, government authorities, public structures, the business community, an analysis of problems was carried out on such blocks of issues as the choice of an agglomeration management model; establishing its boundaries; problems, subjects, resources for the development of the agglomeration; conflicts associated with this process; scenarios for the further development of the agglomeration. Most experts are inclined to the highest likelihood of a pessimistic development scenario, which could lead to an increase in socio-­economic and political contradictions. Based on the results of the study, the main directions of the use of political and administrative resources as sources of the development of the agglomeration were identified, a map of problems, risks and political and administrative resources for the development of the Krasnodar urban agglomeration was formed.


Krasnodar urban agglomeration political and administrative resources problems risks conflicts agglomeration development mechanisms

Funding information

The research was financed by RFBR and the Administration of Krasnodar Krai (research project No 19-411-230022 “Political and administrative resources of public administration for socio-­economic development of the Krasnodar agglomeration”).


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