The paper is devoted to the study of ensuring the policy of technological sovereignty in Russia. The primary objective is to explore public strategies for justifying an evidence-based policy of technological sovereignty as the basis for building the public trust in it. The content of three strategies for substantiating the policy of technological sovereignty – the technocratic, the economic, and the civilizational – is disclosed. This article substantiates the mixed nature of the use of strategies in the public discourse of power with a certain dominance of the technocratic strategy. The specific features of the coalition of evidence-based policy of technological sovereignty are also described. In Russia, the coalition rests on a centralized vertical model for managing scientific and technological development progress, but it also includes financial, expert, manufacturing, civilian, and other interest groups. The paper reveals the coalition’s system of beliefs, which consists of the deep underlying foundation – the core of policy (the primary normative commitments) – and the secondary aspects of policy. It describes the perspectives of evidence-based policy design for technological sovereignty, which includes goals, actors, resources, capabilities, tools, mechanisms, and evaluation. The problems covered in the article are based on the discourse analysis of a purposive sample of texts carried out in the course of the grant research, consisting of 21 speeches given by politicians and experts (from May to September 2022) and three Resolutions of the Russian Government (issued between September and December 2022) on the formation of the policy of technological sovereignty. The description of the conceptual foundations of evidence-based technological sovereignty policy in the context of trust and the strengthening of technological sovereignty may be regarded as a definite contribution to the theory of evidence-based public policy under challenging and contingent settings.
Funding information
The material was prepared under the EISI grant and task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Evidence-based policies of technological sovereignty and trust: A study of public justification strategies”.
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