The contemporary socio-economic and political landscape of Russia is undergoing significant and far-reaching transformations. In this context, there are notable shifts in the functioning of the family institution, the formation of young people’s (including students’) readiness for marriage and family life, and the approved attitudes towards cohabitation before marriage, as well as attitudes towards ‘delayed marriage and parenthood’. Overall, the situation is evolving. In this context, the readiness of young men and women to enter into family and marital relations, based on social, psychological and legal components, plays a pivotal role in the practical implementation of the demographic behavior among young students. Each (of these components) includes cognitive, affective and behavioral characteristics. The social, psychological and legal readiness of student youth for family and marriage relations was studied within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach, combining sociological, psychological and legal perspectives. The study was conducted on a sample of students from different academic disciplines at Ivanovo State University (n=193). The authors’ conclusions were derived from an empirical analysis of the material. They found that students demonstrated a low level of legal awareness despite understanding the importance of the family unit and having an objective understanding of its functionality, as well as the key qualities and skills necessary for building successful family-marital relations. The prevailing negative attitude among students towards the creation of their own family and the subsequent decision to have children during the period of study has been documented. This attitude is a consequence of a complex interplay of economic and socio-psychological factors. In circumstances of economic instability and a lack of financial independence, young men and women tend to perceive the prospect of starting a family and having children as premature. In terms of psychological factors impeding the formation of families, students cite a lack of sufficient psychological training as a significant obstacle. The study revealed that the majority of students are driven to establish a family unit and enter into matrimony. However, over half of the respondents opted for a strategy of delayed marriage and parenthood. Despite the relatively low level of preparedness for marriage among young people during their period of higher education, a notable proportion of respondents expressed a desire to participate in a training program designed to foster responsible attitudes towards family formation and childbirth.
Funding information
The article was prepared within the framework of the implementation of the internal grant of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ivanovo State University” (order No. 3/36 dated 13.02.2024, project No. 2024-05), reg. No. 124081300014-0.
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