New Tendencies in Turkish Migration to Germany at the Turn of the XX Century: Social and Demographic Aspects


Sociological Interpretations


How to Cite

Dogan, C.B., Rakacheva, Y.V. (2019). New Tendencies in Turkish Migration to Germany at the Turn of the XX Century: Social and Demographic Aspects. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 20(2), 86-98. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-2-86-98
Submission Date May 15, 2019
Accepted Date May 25, 2019
Published Date June 24, 2019
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Чагла Бериван Доган, Ярослава Владимировна Ракачева


The article deals with the urgent problem of migration from the Republic of Turkey to Germany in 1960–2000. In 1950, still struggling along considerable economic problems caused by the lack of workforce after WW2, Germany implemented a program to attract workers from a number of European and Mediterranean countries. A considerable share of those migrants were the citizens of Turkey that was experiencing a deep social, economic and political crisis. Initially, Germany’s migration program assumed that the labor migrants would stay temporarily, without the right to permanent residence. However, over several decades, the major part of Turkish labor migrants were admitted to citizenship, and Turkish diaspora in Germany has become one of the most powerful and consolidated communities in Europe. The paper is focused on the social and demographic aspects of this migration flow including its dynamism, scales of migration, and its gender, age and professional structures. The research has shown how socio-­economic and political situation change the direction, the structure and intensity of migrations and how they themselves transform under their influence. The article studies the background of the phenomena and gives a detailed analysis of its present state. The research is supported by the statistic data borrowed from the Federal Statistical Department of Germany (Statistisches Bundesamt), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Turkish Statistical Institute, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, etc. The article has emphasized radical changes in the character and the scale of contemporary Turkish migration to Germany.


migration labor migration adaptation integration Turkey Germany migration background migration flow


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