The system of international relations that has developed is currently undergoing serious tests related to the aggravation of relations between Russia and the United States, into which a large number of other countries, including European countries, are drawn. For all the variety of international relations, depreciation in mitigating the current situation is possessed by relations developing in the sociocultural plane, which allow us to form a more adequate idea of the participants in the contradictions. Cooperation in the field of youth policy belongs to this type of international relations. This study examines the relationship between the European Union and Russia in the field of youth policy in the 2010s. in order to determine the dynamics of these relations and possible changes due to the sanctions policy of the mid‑2010s, as well as to identify factors that determine the nature of these relations at the present stage. The empirical base of the study is the documents regulating youth policy in modern Russia and the European Union and the cooperation of these entities, as well as reports on the activities of the main political institutions of interaction. The study revealed that the cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of youth policy currently remains intense, has an institutional base and is organized on the basis of the Framework for Cooperation Program adopted in 2014. Cooperation projects are mainly aimed at developing tolerance and intercultural dialogue among young people, forming youth leaders with an active civic position, ready to participate in socio-economic and socio-political transformations, creating and replicating the most effective models of youth policy in the international space. The nature of relations between Russia and the European Union at the present stage is determined by regulatory and financial factors. The first is directly dependent on the political course pursued in Russia, the second on the nature of economic development and international economic relations, which generally creates some degree of uncertainty in maintaining and continuing effective cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of youth policy.
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