The article examines the problem resulting from the risk of the DRC’s Balkanization — a project initiated by some of the Congo’s neighboring states, including Rwanda and Uganda. Besides, some Western powers (the USA among them) participate in the project whose initiators aim at separating some provinces in the eastern part of the country, such as Kivu, Ituri, Katanga, etc. The beginning of the fragmentation dates back to colonization period, i. e. to after the Berlin Conference of 1885 at which Africa was divided. Later, this process gathered force after the fall of Joseph-Desiree Mobutu’s dictatorship in 1996. Since then, the country has experienced interminable waves of destabilization due to numerous armed conflicts aimed at capturing natural resources. The paper also analyzes some factors covering the Congo’s Balkanization phenomenon. It is concluded that the resolution of the problem requires diplomatic efforts and the political will of the Congolese elites. So far, an agreement in the sphere of armaments has been signed between the DRC and the RF; provided this agreement is implemented, it will enable the Congolese army to neutralize armed groups in the east and will discourage secessionist tendencies. In addition, this approach requires regional consolidation, as conflicts in the DRC pose a serious threat to the entire RGLA. At the same time, the covenants on peace, security and development in the RGLA, as well as the principle of good neighborly relations and cooperation on which the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) is based, should be respected.
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