The article deals with the problems of human capital development in the youth environment of the Black Sea zone (Krasnodar Region, the Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol). The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors that have a significant impact on the level of integration and conflict of human capital, taking into account the ethnopolitical component. The paper presents the results of a pilot study conducted in October-December 2017. The object of empirical research is youth (up to 30 years). The empirical results of the study demonstrate the nature of the influence of the main parameters of the internal environment of the region on the level of integration and conflict of human potential. In the process of the study, the methods of measuring these indicators, as well as the ideological and socio-psychological component of human development, are tested. Multivariate methods of statistical analysis, in particular multiple linear regression, are used to assess the impact of factors on the level of integration and conflict of youth in a multiethnic society. The results of the regression analysis found that the level of integration of a significant influence of the level of physical security and the level of tolerance multiethnic environment, as an integral factor in determining the variability of the indicator of conflict is the level of physical security. The results of the pilot study in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol allow us to draw some conclusions about the degree of integration of the Crimean region into the Russian socio-political space. The conclusions highlight the prospects of this kind of research and scientific guidelines for further research in the framework of this topic.
Funding information
The study was carried out through the financial support of The Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the research project No. 17-03-00802 (Conflict and Integration Factors of Human Potential Development in the South of Russia in the Context of New Geopolitical Challenge).
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