The paper is a research of the conditions and the perspectives of staffing and socio-demographic processes on the basis of socio-economic statistics on employment in Orenburg region agriculture. The aim of the research is to reveal tendencies of socio-economic development in the agrarian branch of the region against the background of its human potential. The research was conducted on the basis of systemic approach to the analysis of official statistics and on comparing the results received with the data of other works of similar range of problems. The results of the transformation of agricultural relations in Russia on the basis of the pluralism of forms of ownership in agricultural production and the creation of multi-structural system of management have been comprehensively interpreted and presented. Nowadays, negative tendencies in stuffing in rural areas of Orenburg region are observed. They result from the reduction of agrarian sector in the employment structure of rural inhabitants resulting in labor market segmentation. This is closely connected with the reduction (twice during the previous ten years) of the number of agricultural organizations — the main employer in the agricultural sector. Peasant farms are characterized by small size and low marketability. In addition, wages in agriculture are low, and working there is considered not prestigious. Due to these factors, the share of informal employment of the rural population, as well as self-employment and temporary labor migration, such as shift work arrangement of employment and seasonal work is increasing. Only one third of the population in rural areas is employed in the agricultural sector. Despite a large number of household plots in the region, their absolute majority is aimed at self-provision. The low level of interest in agricultural commodity production is connected with the problems of marketing. The paper offers some steps to activate the role of the state in solving the problems of employment for the population on the basis of enhancing the development of its different types and forms, including non-standard employment.
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