Technologies and Models of Youth Political Online Mobilization and Online Discourse in Modern Socio-Political Process: Event Analysis of Particular Cases in the Megacities of the Russian Federation
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Public Politics


How to Cite

Negrov, E.O. (2021). Technologies and Models of Youth Political Online Mobilization and Online Discourse in Modern Socio-Political Process: Event Analysis of Particular Cases in the Megacities of the Russian Federation. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21(4), 24-43. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-4-24-43
Submission Date November 15, 2020
Accepted Date December 15, 2020
Published Date June 22, 2021
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Евгений Олегович Негров


The article is a research into the role, technologies and models of the youth political online activism in modern Russia. The examination of event analysis of two particular cases (Ekaterinburg and Saratov, 2019) revealed the relevance, the main aspects and the performance criteria of youth policy in the sphere of communication. However, certain mechanisms can be used by the state to improve the level of such communication. They should be clearly articulated to follow the youth expectations, with the help of professional socio-­political monitoring, independent quantitative and qualitative studies, and a useful and mutually respectful dialogue designed to promote a positive, constructive and conventional activation of the political behavior of youth groups. Exposing the pattern of protest at several levels, each with its own characteristics and analysis, leads to the conclusion that there are different patterns of protest that have manifested themselves differently in the handling of cases (in Yekaterinburg and Saratov). All of the above makes it possible to record the relevance of the built models of online mobilization, which in turn makes the study practical.


political communication political behavior youth politics online activism event analysis urban public policy

Funding information

The research was carried out through the financial support of RFBR, research project 20-011-70001, “Youth in Metropolises as a social basis of public protest: preconditions, technologies, forms, risks and effects of political online mobilization.


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