In the article, within the framework of the procedural and resource approaches, the model of self-realization of the individual in the space of psychological education is theoretically and empirically substantiated. The choice of the latter is due to the search for a sphere that is relevant for studying the realization of the personality of oneself outside the traditional spheres of activity — professional and family. Self-realization is understood by the authors as a transition from potential resources of an individual to actual and actualized ones, thanks to the subjective position of the individual. It has been proven that at each stage of self-realization (self-determination, self-expression, self-fulfillment and self-actualization), a person strives to discover and develop various resources. The theoretical model is supported by the results of numerous empirical cross-sections, including longitudinal ones, carried out by the authors over several years on students of the Faculty of Psychology, as well as on individuals who do not have and do not receive a psychological education. It was found that psychological education has a positive effect on a number of personal properties, justifying the personal and social expectations of students. Thanks to him, a sense of success and independence, a positive self-attitude, a sense of pride, self-confidence, optimism, control of present and future events, meaningfulness and significance of life, self-motivation increase. The competencies acquired in the learning process help to stabilize and harmonize family and friendships, improve communication with colleagues at work, expand the circle of like-minded people, people who can support in difficult life situations. This is largely due to the strengthening of the adaptive potential and resource capacity of the personality itself, the positive dynamics of its self-awareness, contributing to the achievement of the highest level of coping activity of the proactive type.
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