One way to build a social identity is to transmit collective memory. But the presence of many images of the past, contradicting and conflicting with each other, leads to the struggle of identities and internal confrontation of society. For the successful reproduction of Russian national identity, therefore, it is necessary to have a single historical field, where different images of the past are harmonized in the form of a narrative. However, the complex nature of Russian society entails risks of divergent historical interpretations at the federal and regional levels. Minimizing risks requires a holistic system of historical schooling, with educational standards, curricula and textbooks as tools. It is therefore necessary to understand where the tools are located at the national and regional levels. The article examines the integration potential of regional school textbooks on the recent history of two constituent entities of the Russian Federation: the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Crimea. Research interests focus on constructing images of social identity in textbook narratives. First, the context of Russian school history is considered. Then, using a dramatic approach in narrative analysis, the authors reveal the commemorative density of regional historical narratives, as well as their intertextual relationship with a national narrative. As a result, the main thematic lines of the narratives are distinguished, on the basis of which regional identities are presented. The conclusion states that the narrative of recent history in school textbooks aims at a positive perception of the regional and national identity by the pupils.
Funding information
The research was carried out through financial support of RFFR and EISR within the framework of the scientific project № 21-011-31514-opn “The policy of remembrance as a resource for the formation of a civic identity and a positive image of the future of the country in the minds of young people of the South of Russia”.
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