The paper describes some approaches to the teachers’ professional and personal burnout, as well as its stages, its connection with their psychological health and professional deformations, and with the students’ psychological safety. It is shown that the causes of the burnout under conditions of digitalization of education are not studied enough, which determines the relevance of this work. The necessity of examining not only of professional, but also of personal aspects of a burnout is substantiated. The goal is to identify a set of psychological and social reasons that influence the development of professional and personal burnout syndrome among teachers of modern schools. A complex of techniques has been applied: “The diagnostics of a professional burnout”, “The diagnostic technique of a professional burnout level”, “The life satisfaction index”, “The scale of general self-efficacy”, “Self-evaluation of professional and pedagogical motivation”, as well as “The scale of evaluation of the psychological climate inside the teaching staff”. At the formative stage, a special program was used, which includes sessions on primary and secondary prophylaxis of a professional and personal burnout of teachers along three directions: socio-psychological, personal, and professional. As a result, with the help of Student’s criterion, we registered significant changes in the indicators of psychological and social characteristics under study, which act as causes of the burnout. The decrease of their negative influence led to the reduction of the integral index of the professional and personal burnout within the group during the formative experiment. It indicates that the reasons leading to the burnout have been correctly identified. There were positive developments in the indicators of such symptoms as “emotional exhaustion”, “depersonalization”, and “the reduction of personal achievements”. We fixed positive dynamics in the following burnout phases: tension, resistance, and exhaustion. Hence, work with the identified causes of the teachers’ professional and personal burnout provided some positive results. The novelty of the research consists in identifying a set of psychological and social reasons that lead to a professional and personal burnout among the contemporary teachers, as well as to specifying the components of these reasons. The results of the study may be used while organizing the preventive work with the teaching staff of modern schools.
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