Personal Creativity as Social Action
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Social Psychology


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Zakharova, L.N., Chumankina, E.A., Udalova, L.V. (2023). Personal Creativity as Social Action. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 23(4), 6-26. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-23-4-6-26
Submission Date November 5, 2022
Accepted Date December 25, 2022
Published Date March 31, 2023
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Людмила Николаевна Захарова, Елена Анатольевна Чуманкина, Людмила Владимировна Удалова


This article presents the analysis of the state of innovation in Russian economy and of the demand for a creative employee in Industry 4.0. The objective of the research consists in revealing the contextual and personal obstacles in the evolution and manifestation of creativity, and its possibility to develop as an important professional quality of a creative innovator. It shows the connection between creativity and innovativeness. This is the first time that creativity with its characteristics of process and interactivity is viewed as social activity within its systemic determinacy on the levels of social culture, growth contexts, personality and the organism. Sociological studies show that there is a serious obstacle for personal creativity and for the necessity to participate in innovations on the level of public culture with the dominating stability and safety values. The obstacle is not so absolute, since development values do exist, and they can be used both as predictors of innovative behavior for a certain segment of the potential and the actual personnel of the companies. Family patterns and organizational culture in schools, colleges, and universities are dominated by family and hierarchical values, which are a result of their transfer from the culture of a society. Nevertheless, institutional culture of companies that successfully enter a new technological pattern of Industry 4.0, as well as their management practices, illustrate an effective function of institutional culture as the intermediary between society’s culture, family patterns, and the work subject. A subject (at first of educational and then labor activities) can, alone and/or supported by the institutional culture of educational or work context on the basis of understanding the demand for the quality of creativity, take an active position in overcoming barriers and using opportunities for the development of personal creativity. To the first group of tools for this work belong reflexive comprehension of the contextual barriers in the formation of creativity, typical for the subject’s life course, and their reflective overcoming, including his / her educational path. The second group includes stimulation of creativity and assimilation of the methods of creative problem solving. The third group of tools for the development of creativity integrates searching for or organization of small groups with innovative motivation, where work facilitates a reduction of functional and status fixity and permits to use methods of team solution of creative tasks. Finally, the last group of tools assumes the development of competencies to control the determinants of psycho-­physiological nature: performance, stress, and motivation dynamics.


Industry 4.0 innovativeness in-demand skills personal creativity social action creativity barriers creativity development determinants of creativity creative innovator


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