The article considers the main approaches to understanding the essence of political ecology as a branch of political science, reveals and analyzes various definitions of the content of this branch of science and formulates the author’s definition of political ecology. In addition, the main stages of the formation and development of political ecology are considered. The purpose of the study is to analyze the diversity of approaches to understanding the content of political ecology and to assess its capabilities as a basis for defining and implementing policies to solve existential problems currently facing humanity. The article reveals the essence and process of the formation of political ecology as a branch of primarily political, not natural science. In the process of writing the work, elements of comparative and systematic approaches were used, within which general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction were used, the concept of autopoesis was also introduced to deepen the understanding of the interaction processes of differentiated subsystems of modern society having this characteristic. As a result of the study, the authors come to several conclusions: political ecology, as a branch of political science, considers the main problems of interaction and interdependence of subsystems of modern society — political, administrative, economic and social — in the process of ensuring environmental sustainability of development in conditions of limited resources, and also studies the consequences of the impact of political decisions on achieving a balance of interests of these subsystems within a certain historical period. Based on the results obtained, an analysis of the possibilities of harmonizing the environmental policy of various territories within the urban agglomeration using a multi-paradigm and interdisciplinary methodology of political ecology was carried out.
Funding information
The study was carried out within the framework of the initiative application of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation “Methods and algorithms for typologizing urban agglomerations, identifying general and special development problems and ways to solve them (using the example of the St. Petersburg agglomeration)” 122112900037-6 dated November 29, 2022.
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