Dialog of Cultures and Its Impact on the Efficiency of Territorial Branding
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Public Politics





How to Cite

Pashkus, N.A., Pashkus, V.Y. (2023). Dialog of Cultures and Its Impact on the Efficiency of Territorial Branding. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 24(4), 23-33. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-24-4-23-33
Submission Date September 20, 2023
Accepted Date October 12, 2023
Published Date December 29, 2023
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Наталия Анатольевна Пашкус, Вадим Юрьевич Пашкус


This paper focuses on using the dialog of cultures to create and develop the brand of territories that promote cultural exchange and establish new cultural imperatives. The article explores different methods for implementing the dialog of cultures and creating territorial co-brands by utilizing unique characteristics of the ‘mother culture’ to form integrated attributes of a new territorial brand. The article examines different cases of implementing the dialogue of cultures and promoting new integrated cultural imperatives to develop a strong territorial brand. The paper shows that territorial branding tools can be used maliciously to defame a competitor’s territory. In this case, a negative reaction to the territory and its dominant culture can be provoked, leading to long-term negative effects. This can contribute to the creation of stable negative stereotypes and hinder mutual understanding.


territory brand cultural co-brands dialog of cultures territorial brand attributes viral marketing guerrilla marketing


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