Socio-Psychological Well-Being as a Factor in Actualizing Civic Solidarity of Local Communities
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Identity Politics




How to Cite

Levchenko, D.O.,  Filippov, D.Y. (2024). Socio-Psychological Well-Being as a Factor in Actualizing Civic Solidarity of Local Communities. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25(1), 66-79. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-1-66-79
Submission Date December 15, 2023
Accepted Date February 10, 2024
Published Date March 29, 2024
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Даниил Олегович Левченко, Даниил Евгеньевич Филиппов


Conducting research in the area of factors of civic solidarity in Russia is determined by current processes of consolidation under conditions of exogenous geopolitical risks and threats, and common strategic course for building responsible society. The study is intended to provide a foundation for the nature and role of socio–psychological well-being of citizens in the actualization of civic solidarity of local communities. The nature of social and psychological well-being as an intangible resource for the development of local communities is defined as a subjective perception of Oneself and Others through cognitive, emotional and activity assessments, constructed under the influence of learned values of spatial and territorial identity, experience of social interaction, objective factors of the surrounding reality. The empirical part of the study is based on the results of expert interviews (N = 45) and online surveys (N = 969) of residents of three subjects of Southern Russia – Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea and the Republic of Crimea. It is revealed that citizens’ subjective perception of well-being and the possibilities of its increment has a personalistic and pragmatic character. At the same time, military-­political tension, which creates significant threats and risks for communities in the South of Russia, has determined transformations in civil assessments and attitudes: a sense of belonging to the fate of fellow villagers / townspeople / fellow citizens involved in conducting a special military operation of Russia, and the direct dependence articulated by experts between individual and collective (national) well-being form the basis of mutual assistance practices.


socio-psychological well-being welfare civic solidarity local communities intangible resources

Funding information

The study was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation and the Kuban Science Foundation within the framework of project No. 22-18-20059 “Policy for the development of rural areas of the Krasnodar Territory: the potential of intangible resources”.


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