Dynamics of Ethno-Confessional Identities in the Cultural Landscape of the Astrakhan Region
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Southern Russia: People, Society, Politics



How to Cite

Khlyscheva, E.V. (2019). Dynamics of Ethno-Confessional Identities in the Cultural Landscape of the Astrakhan Region. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 20(1), 105-122. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-20-1-105-122
Submission Date January 13, 2019
Accepted Date March 2, 2019
Published Date March 23, 2019
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Елена Владиславовна Хлыщева


The article discusses the process of transformation of ethno-­confessional identities in the modern world on the example of a particular multicultural region. The problem of cross-­cultural communication in similar areas is particularly acute very much, there are lifestyles alternative to the standard norms, the aspiration to adjoin to other which begins to position itself openly increases. The difference in valuable representations closes representatives of specific groups in a narrow framework of traditional thinking, and group distinctions become a peculiar marker of modern space. The identity is not static and changes under the influence of social transformations and cross-­cultural interactions. Emergence of new transcultural communities updates for science the searching of the samples developed and approved during historical development and scenarios of coexistence in the uniform cultural space of various traditions and mentalities. The changes in society design innovative understanding of identity. Globalization and migration processes lead to emergence of “indistinct identity” with the fragmented idea of the ethnic origin. As a result, the need for recognition which major line is “a claim on originality, fight for identity” increases (Malakhov, 2014). In this situation it is possible to speak about a cultural distance which is shown in the form of opposition of the cultural worlds of traditional and innovative forms. Therefore the analysis of cultural interaction of the people is connected with primary judgment of ethnocultural distinctions The aim of the article is to study the levels and forms of interaction between different peoples and to identify changes occurring in the process of transforming the traditional worldview of the separate cultures, leading to the formation of new levels of identity. Special attention is paid to the gradual change in the ratio of regional, national and civil values and corresponding self-­identification at all levels. It takes into account that the levels of identity associated with the national, ethnic, confessional spheres do not manifest themselves in pure form and are adjusted by other forms — civilizational, subcultural, racial, gender, sexual. In addition, the complex interweaving of cultural worlds makes it difficult to define one’s own identity and becomes an acute problem. The process of forming a multi-­level identity in the multicultural regions is most indicative; therefore, the Astrakhan region, which is notable for the diverse composition of the population and the absence of the aboriginal population, was chosen for analysis. The author traces the dynamics of identity changes among the peoples inhabiting the region from the time of its settlement to the present. The proposed theoretical constructs of development adequate mechanisms for the coexistence of cultures require careful analysis. Such problem demands a complex system of methods, which is based on comparative analytics. A cross-­cultural analysis of identification problems is required, and this cannot be done without identifying indicators of ethnic, confessional and regional levels of self-­awareness. We used both diachronic and synchronous research methods. The changes in society create an innovative understanding of identity. The emergence of new transcultural formations actualizes the search for patterns and scenarios of coexistence in the common cultural space of various traditions and mentalities developed and tested in the course of historical development. All this determines the need to identify new principles of building identity, based both on history, religion, mentality and on general citizenship. The formation of such transcultural identity is well demonstrated by the Astrakhan region.


identity globalization ethnoconfessionalism intercultural communication transformation transculturation

Funding information

Статья выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ в рамках научного проекта 18-78-10064 «Трансформация механизмов формирования пострансгрессионной модели религиозной идентичности в современном информационном пространстве».


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