The research was carried out within the framework of the socio-psychological approach to the interpretation of appearance, its assessmentand self-assessment following V. A. Labunskaia (2017), and is based upon the concept of relations offered by V. N. Miasishchev (2004). The research is aimed at identifying the predictors and the correlates of one’s emotional (often intuitive) attitude to one’s own appearance and to one’s partner’s appearance. 104 participants were tested. They were 52 couples aged 19 to 30. both in registered and non-registered marriage from 5 months to 30 years. The following methods of testing were used in the research: 1) the questionnaire on family history of the couple; 2) “evaluative and intensional interpretation of one’s own appearance and its correspondence with gender and age constructs” according to V. A. Labunskaia; 3) color test of relations introduced by A. M. Etkind; 4) techniques for diagnosing interpersonal relations by T. Leary adapted by L. N. Sobchik; and 5) the questionnaire on interpersonal relations by V. Schultz adapted by A. A. Rukavishnikov. The received data were further processed with the help of Spearman’s correlation analysis, Mann-Whitney’s U‑test, Kruskal-Wallis’ h-test, and regression analysis. The overall results are as follows:1) the correlates of the emotional attitude to appearance were described; 2) asymmetry in the attitude to one’s own appearance and the partner’s attitude to it was discovered in women in matrimony; 3) the significance of the attitude to one’s own appearance and to that of one’s spouse in matrimony was revealed; 4) a specific character of a husband’s attitude to his mother in his evaluation of his wife’s appearance was confirmed (a man who rejects his mother emotionally is usually displeased with his wife’s appearance); 5) the samplings taken from the tests of the couples who are in registered marriage showed the interrelation between the attitude of a wife and a husband to their respective appearances; 6) the predictors of men’s and women’s attitude to their own and their partners’ appearance were described. The research reflects a diverse /structure of one’s attitude to appearance.
Funding information
The research was carried out through the financial support of the Russian Scienсе Foundation, grant № “The social psychology of appearance: functions, significance, satisfaction, concerns and interpretations within the interpersonal and intragroup interaction in youth surroundings”.
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