In the article, the author, reflecting on the directions and nature of modern social transformations, draws attention to the growing problems of social order and the need to find tools to solve them. In this regard, it seems justified to address the potential of civil society institutions, which, according to the author, can become full subjects of social policy, have the necessary capabilities to solve many pressing social problems, are a promising resource for socio-political stabilization of modern society. The research perspective is the study of the practices of social work of religious organizations as civil society institutions on the example of the Russian Orthodox Church. The validity of the approach is explained by the possibility of the Church to fill those niches of social space where the participation of the state and (or) other civil society institutions does not fully ensure the achievement of the desired social results. The study of the phenomenon of "civil society" revealed its complexity and versatility, studied the conditions and factors of strengthening the partnership between the state and the Church in modern Russia. The conclusion is made about a certain reorientation of the ROC from the paradigm of interaction "Church-state "(with preservation and multiplication of practices of institutional interaction) to the paradigm "Church-society" (with the development of practices of functional interaction, the implementation of social or civil functions of the Church), which is proved by the analysis of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in the social sphere. In conclusion, the author underlines the importance of the further understanding of the place and role of religious organizations in the process of social transformations of modern society, finding greater opportunities for their participation in the search for answers to current social challenges. It is concluded that the Church institutions are in demand in the social sphere, their importance both for the development of Russian civil society and for the preservation of Russian national identity and strengthening of social peace.
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