The article examines the theoretical approaches applicable to the study of online activism. The author introduces the definition of online activism as a phenomenon that represents a set of political practices in virtual space associated with the designation of actors' positions on political and socially important problems of society. The paper analyzes the ideas of foreign authors, both classical and modern, and proposes mechanisms for testing theoretical ideas based on quantitative methods of policy analysis. The analysis of publication activity on the Scopus database presented in the article allows determining the dynamics of development of the investigated problems, leading foreign researchers on the topic of political online activism. Keyword sampling of publications from Scopus allows us to conclude the main scientific focuses within the problem (feminism, protests, democracy, etc.). The article presents a classification of scientific Russian schools working within the framework of the problem: St.Petersburg, Moscow and Kuban schools. The author also gives an idea of techno optimistic and critical theoretical approaches, within the framework of which it is possible to study the problem of the effects and possibilities of online activism. The conducted analysis of the literature and scientific research devoted to the problems of political online activism demonstrated the heterogeneity of Russian and foreign authors' points of view on the effectiveness, role and place of virtual communication in politics. The conclusion is made about the need to develop a comprehensive approach, the basis of which will be mixed methods of research on the role and place of virtual activism in politics. The synergetic effect of combining qualitative and quantitative methods will improve the quality of applied political science research.
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