Individual Psychological Types of Response to Stress by Subjects of Team Activity
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Psychology of Personality


How to Cite

Sovmiz, Z.R. (2021). Individual Psychological Types of Response to Stress by Subjects of Team Activity. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 21(4), 121-133. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-21-4-121-133
Submission Date November 21, 2020
Accepted Date December 23, 2020
Published Date June 22, 2021
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Зарема Рустемовна Совмиз


The relevance of the study of individual psychological types of stress response by a team member originates in the questions of the mechanisms of coping behavior of the group and of the individual as a subject of teamwork, which are long overdue. The novelty of the research is in the fact that, for the first time, group copying is analyzed on the basis of sports teams as professional groups. In earlier scholarly literature, the study of coping behavior of the individual as part of a group was presented primarily within the frameworks of family coping. Besides, there is convincing evidence that individual and group coping resources may be included in the stress management process in different ways. Some types of resources reduce non-constructive coping mechanisms, others enhance constructive coping, and still others are resource-­based in both reducing non-adaptive coping and enhancing adaptive coping (we call them the most efficient and energy-­intensive). The aim of the study was to identify individual psychological types of responses to stressors of subjects included in group activities, using the example of team sports. The research methodology is based on the concept of the individual as a group actor, on a resource approach to the description of the individual and on the concept of coping behavior. The main findings of the study reflect the fact that there are four types of stress response among the subjects included in group work. The different types of actors are characterized by the degree of coping strategies, the level of involvement of copying resources in the process of overcoming an alarming situation, and the differentiation of resources used. The data obtained give an idea of the likely levers of successful coping by the individual in terms of different types of coping. Knowledge of the types of stress response will allow organizing the process of team activity in an intelligent way, to identify representatives of a type of stress response, to structure the work of the team in such a way that it is as comfortable and successful as possible.


teamwork coping strategies coping resources stress response types personal and group resources team copying individual coping strategies adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies


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