Development of the Structure of Techno-Political Opportunities as a Factor of the Recursive Nature of Public Policy
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Political Institutions and Processes


How to Cite

Kaplunenko, A.M. (2022). Development of the Structure of Techno-Political Opportunities as a Factor of the Recursive Nature of Public Policy. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 22(3), 61-71. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-22-3-61-71
Submission Date August 6, 2021
Accepted Date September 10, 2021
Published Date March 28, 2022
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Алексей Михайлович Каплуненко


The interaction between informational and communicative, as well as political and governance technologies is transforming institutional environment and densifies the structure of contemporary public policy, while the processes of setting the agenda, developing and making decisions are becoming more dependent on the quality of participation and the range of opinions expressed. Such changes highlight the value of public policy as a complex autopoietic system and attract research interest to what ensures the recursiveness of its internal processes and how it is done. The novelty of the study is reflected in the emphasis on the techno-­political aspect of recursion as a principle of complex organization in public policy. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the dependence of the recursive development of public policy on the specificities of its techno-­political environment. The methodology of the research presents systemic, structural-­functional and institutional approaches that characterize contemporary political research. The article discloses the connection between the recursiveness of public policy and the institutes of digital transformation of political and governance processes that form the structure of techno-­political opportunities. This structure is defined through theories of political design and convergence of informational-­communicative technologies and political technologies. In this context, and provided that it is reflexive results-­based and recursive management, recursion can be the key principle of the new public policy model. At the same time, the recursive nature of information interaction does not only create an enabling environment for inclusiveness and transparency in a complex organization, but also reveals multiple hidden effects that, in turn, open up new vulnerabilities in political processes and stimulate new forms of digital politics in society.


structure of political opportunities digital politics institutes governance complex organization recursiveness performance

Funding information

The research was carried out through the financial support of the RSF grant № 19-18-00210 “Political ontology of digitalization: study of institutional bases for digital forms of governability”.


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