Self-Assessment and Basic Personal Beliefs: Content of the Relationship and Peculiarities of the Research
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Psychology of Personality


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Fomenko, G.Y., Frolov, A.A. (2018). Self-Assessment and Basic Personal Beliefs: Content of the Relationship and Peculiarities of the Research. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 19(3), 58-74. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-19-3-58-74
Submission Date June 30, 2018
Accepted Date August 23, 2018
Published Date September 27, 2018
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 Галина Юрьевна Фоменко, Алексей Анатольевич Фролов


Modern psychological research in the sphere of ensuring personal safety and law-and-order domain focuses on shaping standard qualities for the personnel. In this connection, it is necessary to update explorative tools, to improve forms and methods of work, and introduce new psychological mechanisms. The diagnostics and description of self-assessment and basic personal beliefs of those who work in law-enforcement agencies are of special scientific interest. The authors of the paper put forward the hypothesis about the connection of basic personal beliefs and the determining role of self-assessment. The diagnostics of self-assessment was carried out with the help of methodology worked out by S. A. Budassi. Personal beliefs were analyzed on the basis of M. Padun and A. Kotel’nikova’s methodology modified by R. Yanoff-Bul’man. The research is based on the selection provided by polling 400 employees of law-enforcement agencies representing most subdivisions of Internal Affairs Agencies, as well as cadets and attendees of Krasnodar University of IAA, both males and females (18–48 years of age), with different employment period in IAA. As a result, five groups of employees with different levels of self-assessment have been extracted. The data obtained in the course of analysis were compared with basic beliefs. Processing the data with the help of IBM® SPSS Statistics 22 has verified the authors’ hypothesis about the inner connection between self-assessment and basic personal beliefs. It has been proved that the most radical differences exist between the employees with overestimated and underestimated levels of basic personal beliefs. The first group of employees mistrusts reality and consider the surrounding world unsafe and hostile; the second group think that the world around is friendly, especially because they themselves participate in ensuring their own safety. Yet the level of friendliness depends on their perception of safety in the surrounding world. The average rate of self-assessment predetermines their goodwill towards reality and the level of their efficiency. The second group considers that reality is friendly in proportion to the decisions taken / made by the administrative elite of the society.


self-assessment basic beliefs personality justice luck positive worldview goodwill of the world around locus of (internal-external) control


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