In the article, we analyze online information consumption by the young people of Krasnoyarsk region. The relevance of the study is determined by the need of the timely accumulation of empirical material on the ways and sources of information obtained by the population on the Internet. The aim of the study is to identify the most relevant types of online information consumption practices of young people in Krasnoyarsk region, as well as the factors of their choice. Research methods. Theoretical: Literature analysis, comparative analysis. Empirical: questionnaire survey. Data processing methods: descriptive statistics, calculation of Pearson Chi-square, calculation of averages, nonparametric Mann-Whitney statistical test, correlation analysis. The novelty of the work lies in obtaining relevant knowledge about the peculiarities of information consumption of young people in Krasnoyarsk region on the Internet. Using the example of young people in Krasnoyarsk region we have identified the most popular information sources on the Internet, and studied the level and factors of young people’s trust in bloggers; differences in the information consumption repertoires of young people according to gender, age, and occupation have been also characterized. The authors found out that the most relevant formats of content consumption for young people in Krasnoyarsk region are listening to music, studying the news, monitoring people’s lives, surfing the Internet, reading popular science publishers, and watching video reviews. The majority of young people use VKontakte, WhatsApp*, YouTube, Instagram* and Telegram social networks. The most trusted blog topics are: leisure and hobbies, fashion and beauty, nutrition and sports, career and education. Female youth, minors, students and residents of rural settlements are more inclined to trust bloggers. The most significant factors in young people’s trust in bloggers are: a blogger’s personality, the particularities of presenting information, and a blogger’s reputation. It is important to consider the information gathered in the research when transmitting the current agenda to youth audiences. The prospects for the research are to identify how much the content of social networks affects the minds and behavior of youth.
* The Meta company and the social networks it owns are recognized as extremist in Russia and banned.
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