The paper presents the findings of an empirical analysis of value orientations of teenagers with a tendency toward deviant behavior. It is shown that the problem of deviant behavior is studied in various scientific areas and a large number of theoretical and experimental researches are devoted to it. Yet, it still belongs to complicated and controversial issues to date. One of the invariable aspects as regards the analysis of deviant teenagers is to view the problem of the formation of deviant behavior through the value orientations system. However, the analysis of literature resources indicates that notwithstanding a large number of surveys of teenagers with deviant behavior and the necessity to study their value orientations, the area of values among teenagers with a tendency toward deviant behavior was studied in an extremely fragmentary way. It was hypothesized that there are specific features of value orientations of teenagers with different levels of propensity toward deviant behavior, the consideration of which will allow build optimal psychological counseling for adolescents prone to deviant behavior. The following methods were used in the research: A. N. Orel’s method for diagnosing propensity toward deviant behavior, and S. H. Schwartz’s method for the study of personality values. 50 students from grades 9–11 from one of the secondary schools in the town of Cherkessk were involved in this research. In the course of the experimental research, three clusters were obtained. The respondents in Cluster 1 reported the lowest propensity for deviant behavior, but high values on the social desirability scale, while also having conformism as one of the top values. They are “Conformists striving to maintain safety”. The respondents in Cluster 2 are most prone to deviant behavior. They are “Power-seeking deviants”. They have Power, Hedonism, and Independence as their values. The indicators of the propensity for deviant behavior of the respondents in Cluster 3 are well within the normal range, thus allowing us to call it a standard cluster. The guiding values of this Cluster are Hedonism and Achievement and Independence. The respondents are “Hedonists striving for Achievement and Security”.
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