The research article aims to explore the role that symbols of Turkmenistan play in the process of constructing national identity. National symbols, such as flags, official emblems, historical monuments, and cultural symbols, serve as potent instruments in the construction of collective identity and the fostering of a sense of belonging among a country’s citizens. In the case of Turkmenistan, symbols have played a pivotal role since the country’s independence in 1991, as it sought to establish its distinct identity amidst the rapidly evolving socio-political landscape. This research article employs an analytical approach to examine the role of historical and contemporary symbols in the formation of a unified national identity in Turkmenistan. The article examines the various forms of national symbols, including state symbols, traditional national symbols, state events, and propaganda, in order to ascertain the methods employed by the regime to legitimate itself and to enhance its control over society. The author examines the relationship between symbolism and political power in Turkmenistan, noting the direct dependence of the symbolic tools used on the political figure of the leader of Turkmenistan in the post-Soviet period. This is particularly evident in Turkmenistan’s efforts to assert its uniqueness in the context of ongoing political and social change. The symbolic resources analyzed in the article are employed to demonstrate the cultural and national consolidation of the population in the context of foreign policy representation. The symbolic resources utilized also facilitate the domestic political process of legitimizing the regime and consolidating control over the titular nation of the state. The study integrates historical research, cultural analysis, and conclusions derived from Murray Edelman’s theory of symbolic politics.
Funding information
The research was supported by RSF No. 22-18-00301 “The process of constructing new identities in the Caspian macroregion in the context of societal security”.
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