The twentieth century witnessed a transformation in scientific ideas about determinism, which in turn gave rise to novel perspectives in the field of psychological science. The unknowable causes of many events and situations in the human world that appeared to be random are now regarded as natural. After the works of I. Prigozhin, M. N. Epstein and other scientists, it is evident that there are at least two types of laws in the human world, including Nature. Some aim to provide an explanation of what is necessary, that which cannot be otherwise. Others seek to elucidate what is possible, that which may or may not be actualized in reality. The uncertainty of the human world can be divided into two categories: those quantities that exist but are unknown to the cognizing subject, and those that do not yet exist but are possible. In the paper, based on the scientific findings of Д. Bohm, W. Heisenberg and other prominent scientists, the view is developed that the objective randomness and uncertainty in the world reflect the latent order existing in nature and human psyche. Its manifestation is unobservable, implicit in behavior and psyche The psychological studies of people’s understanding of invisible threat under traumatic stress or life-threatening disease, implicit dangers as components of large systems, latent psychosemantic factors of multidimensional consciousness, inexpressible experience as a psychological basis for understanding the impossible, incomprehensible and unthinkable are all considered as manifestations of the hidden order.
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