Mothers’ View of Children’s Participation in Solving Problems of Everyday Family Life: from Meanings and Practices to The All-­Russian Context
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Sociological Interpretations




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Filipova, A.G., Medvedeva, E.A. (2024). Mothers’ View of Children’s Participation in Solving Problems of Everyday Family Life: from Meanings and Practices to The All-­Russian Context. South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences, 25(4), 110-123. DOI: 10.31429/26190567-25-4-110-123
Submission Date January 27, 2025
Accepted Date January 27, 2025
Published Date December 25, 2024
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Филипова А.Г., Медведева Е.А.


The article analyses the role of children in the decision-­making processes within the family unit. The material was derived from data obtained during the organization of a network discussion on three Russian-­language online forums:, and The impetus for the discourse was the description by the researcher, who was operating under a pseudonym, of an invented scenario involving a child’s involvement in intra-­family matters. A total of 304 messages were collected from 109 female users. The method selected for the analysis of the message texts was critical discourse analysis, as interpreted by G. The seven research tasks outlined by Gee assist in answering three pivotal research questions: How do parents interpret children’s involvement in family matters? What practices of inclusion do they employ? And, finally, how are parental interpretations of children’s participation situated within the context of a nationwide policy? In analyzing G’s interpretation, we employ discourse analysis, focusing in particular on the seven research tasks identified by G: meaning; activities (practices); identities (roles); relationships; politics (distribution of social goods); connections; and sign systems and knowledge. This approach is typified characterized by a form of democratic decision-­making that is, in practice, authoritarian. This is evidenced by the manner in which it correlates with the ‘decorating’ and ‘manipulating’ rungs of Roger Hart’s ladder of participation. It is frequently the case that parents are unaware of this contradiction. Children’s participatory practices vary depending on the type of issues being addressed. A common method of classification is to divide issues into three categories: personal (relating to children), general (family-­related) and adult issues. It can be concluded that the discourse of parents regarding children’s involvement in resolving familial issues reflects a broader, all-­Russian discourse of protectionism and the dominance of the adult world in relation to childhood.


child decision-­making child participation child participation practices concept context critical discourse analysis discourse discursive practices


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